Dear Series.

The Dear Series is a representation of my thoughts and feelings when life just doesn't feel right or I've completely lost all balance. It acts as a constant reminder that we are all humans first. Life is short and the world is ours. As humans. As nature intended it. I truly and deeply appreciate your support and readership in this endeavour and hope you find balance, peace, and solace in all life has to offer you.

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The Dear Series Collection: Dear.


Thoughts to pen. Pen to paper. Paper to escape. Escape the shackles of reality. To be free. Of a reality that feels dystopian. Destined to imagine a reality that feels utopian. Remembering to let go. The Dear Series Collection. Thoughts of one. Letters of one. Words of one. Soliloquies. Words of power. Words of solace. Words of mind. Purpose. Dear Humans. Dear Love. Dear Me. Love Us. Love You. Love Yourself.

Dear Me.

Dear Me. brings to life my emotions and spirit in the form of words. I'm not going to say I'm a poet nor a prose wizard. It's what I feel in the moment. Through all the trials and tribulations of life my hope is that my words can help others share their feelings and emotions, seek help in whatever form that benefits you, and to be open and honest with ourselves.

Dear Me. also pays tribute to my grandmother, my sole guardian, and the strongest woman that I will ever know. To put respect to her name for all she has done and the life lessons she has taught that I failed to accept in the moment.

Dear Love.

Dear Love. is the written representation of the emotions I felt when reminiscing about those I've loved and lost. The memories. The special moments. More importantly. The stories. The stories to be told through time. This second book of the series also contains the longest poetic story I have ever written.

Dear Love. contains words that I wish I could say. I wish I could've said. And I will say. One day.

Dear Humans.

Dear Humans: Pandemic. Politics. Power. And The People. In the year 2020. Lockdowns, social inequity, uncertainty, and the snap annihilation of a global society dominate the world. The fate of our planet lies in the hands of power. Dear Humans expresses the sheer anger and frustration to the bodies that govern our lives. A letter to the aging legalities in a world where the people hold power and humanity reigns supreme.

The natural order has uncovered the severe inconsistencies of our human society. We demand equality. We demand freedom. We demand life. Let us live.